Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Next Day, Mary Meets Gina at a Diner [by Karen Moy, from the Mary Worth comic strip]

Gina: As I was telling you, my family was in danger because my father was a murder witness.

[Begin flashback, Gina’s childhood apartment then a park somewhere in the vicinity]

G: [Flashback voice over] The feds told us that they’d help us change our names and move across the country! But we had to leave immediately! I had to leave bobby and it broke my heart! Before my family and I left town, I went to see him one last time! Bobby and I met in the park under our favorite tree. Our feelings reduced into a last few words.

Bobby: I’ll miss you, Gina! It won’t be the same…

G: [Flashback voice over] The love we felt came in a rush with the realization that it was time to say good-bye!...maybe for good.

Gina and Bobby embrace chanting together: “I love you! I love you! I love you!”

G: [Flashback voice over] Something neither of us could bear!

[End flashback]

G: I never saw Bobby again! My family and I moved to California, where I’ve lived ever since!

Mary: You must have wondered what happened to him!

G: I think about him a lot! And I send him thoughts of love all the time!

M: How long has it been since you last saw him?

G: Over ten years, Mary!

M: And you were practically kids then!

G: It’s hard to say why people remember some things and some people, and others are forgotten!

M: Maybe you remember Bobby all these years because of the circumstances of your parting?

G: That’s part of it…though I think Bobby and I really did have something special between us!

M: You were very young when you knew Bobby…when you last saw each other.

G: Maybe. But isn’t it when you’re young that you recognize your true feelings?...What really matters in life? [Brief flashback of tearful young Bobby and Gina saying, “I love you! I love you! I love you!” in unison]

M: I’m sorry your life was uprooted when you were a child, Gina! Have you been happy in California?

G: I think so…although I’ve had the worst luck with dating!

M: You’re young and beautiful…You’ll find love! I know you will!

G: No man seems to be quite right! I guess it’s not their fault!

M: What do you mean?

G: How can I find peace in my present life if I’m not at peace with my past? And there’s something else…My mother spoke to me on her deathbed before she passed. [Begin flashback to Gina’s Mother’s deathbed]

Gina’s Mother: Gina…I’m so sorry you keep putting aside your life because of our family! First being uprooted from your friends at fourteen! Now putting college on hold to take care of me!

G: It’s my cross to bear, mama.

G [Flashback voiceover]: My mother had final requests…

G’s M: After I’m gone, promise me you’ll go back to college!

G: I promise.

G's M: And Gina... I want you to do something else too!...Gina...go and find Bobby! I know you haven't gotten over him!

G: How did you know?

G's M: You talk in your sleep, dear! You really loved each other...and that hasn't changed for you!

[End flashback]

G: Mary, what should I do? Should I look for Bobby?

M: You promised your mother on her deathbed that you would.

G: Yes, I did...but she'd understand if I didn't do it.

M: Could you live with that?

G: What do you advise I should do, Mary?

M: I'm not sure what to say. I have my opinions...but it's ultimately your decision!

G: I made a promise to my mother on her deathbed that I'd look for Bobby! That I'd find peace with that chapter of my life! Otherwise I'd keep wondering what could have been...and how is he?...and...what is his life like right now?

M: So what's stopping you, Gina? During her final days, your mother told you she wanted to be happy.

G: She regretted that we had to uproot ourselves! She also regretted that I had to take care of her in the last years of her life!

M: Gina...It wasn't her fault that circumstances required you to make sacrifices!

G: My mother was sad that Bobby and I were separated! She wanted me to find him!

M: Is that what you want Gina?

G: More than anything! I admit that I to myself, and now to you! I also admit...I'm afraid! I don't know what will happen! I only know of the love I still feel for Bobby!

M: Where there is love there can be no fear! If this has been weighing on you, you have to see him!...even if it's only once to satisfy your curiosity! Fearful or not, you won't know what Bobby's situation is unless you look for him!

G: And I won't have peace until I do! How can I find him?

M: We live in a modern age! There are many ways! Just be prepared for any outcome if you choose to do this!

G: Since she passed away a few months ago, my mother talks to me…in my dreams!

M: What does she say?

G: She wants me to seek out my own happiness.

M: I’ve learned it’s a good idea to pay attention to dreams. Truths may exist there.

G: I know myself Mary! I just don’t know where Bobby is in his life right now! It’s been a long time…Over ten years! The passage of time can change people.

M: We can’t know everything that will happen in life. We can only do the best we can with what we have where we are.

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